Rubbing Elbows: Shortcutting the Path to Software Mastery

The “Rubbing Elbows” pattern advocates for software developers to actively seek out opportunities to work hands-on, side-by-side with other skilled programmers. The core premise is that certain techniques and micro-habits can only be absorbed through close collaboration on shared coding tasks. Practices like pair programming try this kind of knowledge transfer, but the pattern applies to any endeavor that allows you to observe the workflow and decision-making of an experienced developer.
I found this pattern incredibly insightful and motivating. As a software engineering student, I’ve already experienced how much more I can learn by watching lecturers code and explain their thought process in real-time, versus just reading examples. The “Rubbing Elbows” pattern highlights how that same example of accelerated learning through consistency well beyond the classroom.
The authors make an good point that there are “thousand little everyday moves” that skilled developers have pressed through years of experience. These small refinements may seem minor on their own, but include into real improvements in productivity, code quality, and problem-solving prowess. However, these micro-habits are nearly impossible to fully carry through written documentation or formal teaching. Rubbing elbows allows an apprentice to organically absorb them through repeated, intimate observation.
I’m reminded of when I pair-programmed on a school project with a talented classmate. While daunting at first to have my code exposed, I soon realized I was gaining insight into his mental models, techniques for juggling complexity, and little shortcuts that markedly lifted his coding flow. Rubbing physical and mental elbows enabled knowledge transfer that couldn’t have occurred through solo learning.
This pattern has inspired me to be a go getter about joining open source projects, participating in local meetups, and seeking out internships that enable close collaboration with experienced mentors. Identifying and creating these “rubbing elbows” opportunities will be important for go beyond my current peak and speeding my progression as a capable, well-rounded software crafter.
While the unusual feeling of being the “newbie” amongst experts is unavoidable, I’m excited by the authors’ advice: embrace feeling lost at times, ask questions, rotate pair partners if stuck, and record learnings to cement them. Absorbing the tacit knowledge of those further along the path is key to rapidly elevating my own skills.

April 28, 2024

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